SIMON QUICK since 1963 about me
Born in 1963, in Warwickshire England. I grew up in sight of the sea and Dartmoor and spent a lot of time on each. I am a product of photography. My parents met because my father was a summer photographer, taking picture of tourists, on the Torquay promenade, to send home as postcards. My mother was a tourist, so we have lot of pictures of my mother. I met my wife on a Torquay promenade, she was a tourist, from Switzerland. In 1999, I followed her here, it is home. My education and profession is in architecture and mediation, after enough years I retired from these disciplines. I have a nearly-full-time job which I enjoy, though achieve 'flow' with photography, and thought. The products of which are here. Enjoy my site and do make contact if you wish .
neuland highland flatland urnerland zugerland iceland bhutan flowers droneland +41 78 743 75 06 Papieri, Fabrikstr 5, 6330 Cham SWITZERLAND still, looking for social media? I don't have time, I read books. ok, I do instagram search simonbquick. © Thanks for not stealing anything!
SIMON QUICK since 1963 about me
Born in 1963, in Warwickshire England. I grew up in sight of the sea and Dartmoor and spent a lot of time on each. I am a product of photography. My parents met because my father was a summer photographer, taking picture of tourists, on the Torquay promenade, to send home as postcards. My mother was a tourist, so we have lot of pictures of my mother. I met my wife on a Torquay promenade, she was a tourist, from Switzerland. In 1999, I followed her here, it is home. My education and profession is in architecture and mediation, after enough years I retired from these disciplines. I have a nearly-full-time job which I enjoy, though achieve 'flow' with photography, and thought. The products of which are here. Enjoy my site and do make contact if you wish . neuland highland flatland urnerland zugerland iceland bhutan flowers droneland +41 78 743 75 06 Papieri, Fabrikstr 5, 6330 Cham SWITZERLAND still, looking for social media? I don't have time, I read books. ok, I do instagram search simonbquick. © Thanks for not stealing anything!
SIMON QUICK since 1963 about me
Born in 1963, in Warwickshire England. I grew up in sight of the sea and Dartmoor and spent a lot of time on each. I am a product of photography. My parents met because my father was a summer photographer, taking picture of tourists, on the Torquay promenade, to send home as postcards. My mother was a tourist, so we have lot of pictures of my mother. I met my wife on a Torquay promenade, she was a tourist, from Switzerland. In 1999, I followed her here, it is home. My education and profession is in architecture and mediation, after enough years I retired from these disciplines. I have a nearly-full-time job which I enjoy, though achieve 'flow' with photography, and thought. The products of which are here. Enjoy my site and do make contact if you wish . neuland highland flatland urnerland zugerland iceland bhutan flowers droneland +41 78 743 75 06 Papieri, Fabrikstr 5, 6330 Cham SWITZERLAND still, looking for social media? I don't have time, I read books. ok, I do instagram search simonbquick. © Thanks for not stealing anything!
SIMON QUICK since 1963 about me
Born in 1963, in Warwickshire England. I grew up in sight of the sea and Dartmoor and spent a lot of time on each. I am a product of photography. My parents met because my father was a summer photographer, taking picture of tourists, on the Torquay promenade, to send home as postcards. My mother was a tourist, so we have lot of pictures of my mother. I met my wife on a Torquay promenade, she was a tourist, from Switzerland. In 1999, I followed her here, it is home. My education and profession is in architecture and mediation, after enough years I retired from these disciplines. I have a nearly-full-time job which I enjoy, though achieve 'flow' with photography, and thought. The products of which are here. Enjoy my site and do make contact if you wish . neuland highland flatland urnerland zugerland iceland bhutan flowers droneland +41 78 743 75 06 Fabrikstr 30, 6460 Altdorf SWITZERLAND still, looking for social media? I don't have time, I read books. ok, I do instagram search simonbquick. © Thanks for not stealing anything!