SIMON QUICK since 1963
I never played video games as a kid, basically because they had not been invented, so despite having opposing thumbs, I rarely used them, on two joysticks to manoeuvre anything at speed. Modern drones with GPS are very easy to use and can put you in a position you would otherwise never get to. Even just 100m above the ground, the world is another place, a perspective reserved normally for the birds. It gives me, as a photographer, the possibility to seek out forms compositions and the play of light I have never had before - and that birds-eye view on undisturbed life below. LA VILLETTE CHAM
lone morning swimmer
yoga's salute to the sun
before the sunbathers arrive
to save you scrolling up
neuland highland flatland urnerland zugerland iceland bhutan flowers droneland +41 78 743 75 06 Papieri, Fabrikstr 5, 6330 Cham SWITZERLAND still, looking for social media? I don't have time, I read books. ok, I do instagram search simonbquick. © Thanks for not stealing anything!
SIMON QUICK since 1963
I never played video games as a kid, basically because they had not been invented, so despite having opposing thumbs, I rarely used them, on two joysticks to manoeuvre anything at speed. Modern drones with GPS are very easy to use and can put you in a position you would otherwise never get to. Even just 100m above the ground, the world is another place, a perspective reserved normally for the birds. It gives me, as a photographer, the possibility to seek out forms compositions and the play of light I have never had before - and that birds-eye view on undisturbed life below. LA VILLETTE CHAM
lone morning swimmer
yoga's salute to the sun
before the sunbathers arrive
to save you scrolling up neuland highland flatland urnerland zugerland iceland bhutan flowers droneland +41 78 743 75 06 Papieri, Fabrikstr 5, 6330 Cham SWITZERLAND still, looking for social media? I don't have time, I read books. ok, I do instagram search simonbquick. © Thanks for not stealing anything!
SIMON QUICK since 1963
I never played video games as a kid, basically because they had not been invented, so despite having opposing thumbs, I rarely used them, on two joysticks to manoeuvre anything at speed. Modern drones with GPS are very easy to use and can put you in a position you would otherwise never get to. Even just 100m above the ground, the world is another place, a perspective reserved normally for the birds. It gives me, as a photographer, the possibility to seek out forms compositions and the play of light I have never had before - and that birds-eye view on undisturbed life below. LA VILLETTE CHAM
lone morning swimmer
yoga's salute to the sun
before the sunbathers arrive
to save you scrolling up neuland highland flatland urnerland zugerland iceland bhutan flowers droneland +41 78 743 75 06 Papieri, Fabrikstr 5, 6330 Cham SWITZERLAND still, looking for social media? I don't have time, I read books. ok, I do instagram search simonbquick. © Thanks for not stealing anything!
SIMON QUICK since 1963
I never played video games as a kid, basically because they had not been invented, so despite having opposing thumbs, I rarely used them, on two joysticks to manoeuvre anything at speed. Modern drones with GPS are very easy to use and can put you in a position you would otherwise never get to. Even just 100m above the ground, the world is another place, a perspective reserved normally for the birds. It gives me, as a photographer, the possibility to seek out forms compositions and the play of light I have never had before - and that birds-eye view on undisturbed life below. LA VILLETTE CHAM
lone morning swimmer
yoga's salute to the sun
before the sunbathers arrive
to save you scrolling up neuland highland flatland urnerland zugerland iceland bhutan flowers droneland +41 78 743 75 06 Fabrikstr 30, 6460 Altdorf SWITZERLAND still, looking for social media? I don't have time, I read books. ok, I do instagram search simonbquick. © Thanks for not stealing anything!