SIMON QUICK since 1963
Ever since reading John Hunt's ascent of Everest, and first visiting Switzerland as a boy in 1973, the highlands have fascinated me. The most spectacular of landscapes scaled by heroic characters; real adventurers, truly discovering new landscapes. Equipped, with little but tweed jackets and flasks of tea. Scary, fascinating, mesmerising and exhilarating. They sculpt the light and shape the weather, and reminders us of our insignificant mortality. Photographing mountains allows me to be amongst them and the time to look and wonder and have time to think.
Early morning at Konkordia looking towards Eggishorn
This was for me a big undertaking, 4 days trek over multiple glaciers all of which had dried out over an exceptionally warm summer. I was lucky to have a good guide and 3 super companions. The gaping crevasses need to be zigzagged around, or jumped over with some narrow bridges to cross. The altitude was telling on the first day, with 470 steep steps up to the Konkordiahütte, originally built just above the ice - human induce climate change takes it further away from the ice each year. The climb over the Grünhornlücke was slow but steady, the downhill through a sloping labyrinth to climb yet again high above the ice to the Finsteraarhornhütte the snows discoloured by Sahara sands, adding to the melting effect. A wet start, with slowly improving weather lead us to the precariously situated Oberaarjochhütte. The ice sliding off both side of the joch split open with few bridges, needed some cautious footwork and serious nerves. The final day, was a long trek over the Oberaargletscher again winding through and across the crevassed landscape until we finally reached earth and greenery and the lift back to the pass hotel. The glaciers are suffering and we are at fault; they will not recover, all we can now realistically do is slow their decline. Please do all you can to help these grand old alpine features be around for at least a few more generations to enjoy, and not let their vallies lie empty of all but bare stone too soon.
At the top of the Grünhornlücke towards Finsterrothorn, and Galmihorn
Grosses Wannenhorn in the evening light with Sahara sands
Top of the Oberaargletscher towards Piz Bernina - left Horizon
the schreckhorn summit appears from the clouds
Summer was trying hard to come, and the snows on the First were still unstable - my way was blocked, hence plan B. Tent erected, a pale fox came a visiting. June days are long and sunset wasn't until 21.00. plenty of time for dinner. All turned orange pink before dark; the clear moonless skies were promising and at 2.00 the milky-way did not disappoint - spanning east west creating a fabulous backdrop to the alpine ridges. Jupiter was as close as it will ever be and shone, like a mini moon. By 04.00 the ground froze again, and I was back in my sleeping bag until the hot sun rose me once again.
the eiger is painted orange-pink as the sunsets
at 02.00am the milky-way spans the wetter- and shreckhorns
jupiter aligns with the summit of the eiger
Hohe-Brisen and Brisen after a long uphill
A free tip for life, always add more money into the carpark meter than you think you will need. I added in 6 hours into the meter in Beckenried, before taking the first cable car to Klewenalp. I had estimated 3 hours up and 2.5 down, but forgot the lift ride and coffee time etc. Thus, soon after starting the 700m climb to Risetenstock I realised that if I was to make it I would need to hurry. I am normally a slow walker and was soon puffing up steep ski slopes devoid of snow, slaloming around curious cows. The views from the ridge were spectacular on the border between Nidwalden and Uri. I was in the end pleased I had rushed as the clouds started to collect around the peaks and by the time I was on the way down the Risetenstock itself was fully in the cloud. Still, I prefer the drama of clouds to perfect blue skies and the results prove it. I got back to the carpark with just 15mins to spare, so maybe sometimes having too little money in the meter is a good thing.
Glarner-foothills and Mythens in the sunshine
Clouds brew over the Uri Rotstock
The Brisen looks ominous with a cumulus nimbus backdrop
to save you scrolling up
neuland highland flatland urnerland zugerland iceland bhutan flowers droneland +41 78 743 75 06 Papieri, Fabrikstr 5, 6330 Cham SWITZERLAND still, looking for social media? I don't have time, I read books. ok, I do instagram, search simonbquick. © Thanks for not stealing anything!
SIMON QUICK since 1963
Ever since reading John Hunt's ascent of Everest, and first visiting Switzerland as a boy in 1973, the highlands have fascinated me. The most spectacular of landscapes scaled by heroic characters; real adventurers, truly discovering new landscapes. Equipped, with little but tweed jackets and flasks of tea. Scary, fascinating, mesmerising and exhilarating. They sculpt the light and shape the weather, and reminders us of our insignificant mortality. Photographing mountains allows me to be amongst them and the time to look and wonder and have time to think. JUNGFRAUJOCH -GRIMSELPASS
Early morning at Konkordia looking towards Eggishorn
This was for me a big undertaking, 4 days trek over multiple glaciers all of which had dried out over an exceptionally warm summer. I was lucky to have a good guide and 3 super companions. The gaping crevasses need to be zigzagged around, or jumped over with some narrow bridges to cross. The altitude was telling on the first day, with 470 steep steps up to the Konkordiahütte, originally built just above the ice - human induce climate change takes it further away from the ice each year. The climb over the Grünhornlücke was slow but steady, the downhill through a sloping labyrinth to climb yet again high above the ice to the Finsteraarhornhütte the snows discoloured by Sahara sands, adding to the melting effect. A wet start, with slowly improving weather lead us to the precariously situated Oberaarjochhütte. The ice sliding off both side of the joch split open with few bridges, needed some cautious footwork and serious nerves. The final day, was a long trek over the Oberaargletscher again winding through and across the crevassed landscape until we finally reached earth and greenery and the lift back to the pass hotel. The glaciers are suffering and we are at fault; they will not recover, all we can now realistically do is slow their decline. Please do all you can to help these grand old alpine features be around for at least a few more generations to enjoy, and not let their vallies lie empty of all but bare stone too soon.
At the top of the Grünhornlücke towards Finsterrothorn, and Galmihorn
Grosses Wannenhorn in the evening light with Sahara sands
Top of the Oberaargletscher towards Piz Bernina - left Horizon
the schreckhorn summit appears from the clouds
Summer was trying hard to come, and the snows on the First were still unstable - my way was blocked, hence plan B. Tent erected, a pale fox came a visiting. June days are long and sunset wasn't until 21.00. plenty of time for dinner. All turned orange pink before dark; the clear moonless skies were promising and at 2.00 the milky-way did not disappoint - spanning east west creating a fabulous backdrop to the alpine ridges. Jupiter was as close as it will ever be and shone, like a mini moon. By 04.00 the ground froze again, and I was back in my sleeping bag until the hot sun rose me once again.
the eiger is painted orange-pink as the sunsets
at 02.00am the milky-way spans the wetter- and shreckhorns
jupiter aligns with the summit of the eiger
Hohe-Brisen and Brisen after a long uphill
A free tip for life, always add more money into the carpark meter than you think you will need. I added in 6 hours into the meter in Beckenried, before taking the first cable car to Klewenalp. I had estimated 3 hours up and 2.5 down, but forgot the lift ride and coffee time etc. Thus, soon after starting the 700m climb to Risetenstock I realised that if I was to make it I would need to hurry. I am normally a slow walker and was soon puffing up steep ski slopes devoid of snow, slaloming around curious cows. The views from the ridge were spectacular on the border between Nidwalden and Uri. I was in the end pleased I had rushed as the clouds started to collect around the peaks and by the time I was on the way down the Risetenstock itself was fully in the cloud. Still, I prefer the drama of clouds to perfect blue skies and the results prove it. I got back to the carpark with just 15mins to spare, so maybe sometimes having too little money in the meter is a good thing.
Glarner-foothills and Mythens in the sunshine
Clouds brew over the Uri Rotstock
The Brisen looks ominous with a cumulus nimbus backdrop
to save you scrolling up neuland highland flatland urnerland zugerland iceland bhutan flowers droneland +41 78 743 75 06 Papieri, Fabrikstr 5, 6330 Cham SWITZERLAND still, looking for social media? I don't have time, I read books. ok, I do instagram, search simonbquick. © Thanks for not stealing anything!
SIMON QUICK since 1963
Ever since reading John Hunt's ascent of Everest, and first visiting Switzerland as a boy in 1973, the highlands have fascinated me. The most spectacular of landscapes scaled by heroic characters; real adventurers, truly discovering new landscapes. Equipped, with little but tweed jackets and flasks of tea. Scary, fascinating, mesmerising and exhilarating. They sculpt the light and shape the weather, and reminders us of our insignificant mortality. Photographing mountains allows me to be amongst them and the time to look and wonder and have time to think. JUNGFRAUJOCH -GRIMSELPASS
Early morning at Konkordia looking towards Eggishorn
This was for me a big undertaking, 4 days trek over multiple glaciers all of which had dried out over an exceptionally warm summer. I was lucky to have a good guide and 3 super companions. The gaping crevasses need to be zigzagged around, or jumped over with some narrow bridges to cross. The altitude was telling on the first day, with 470 steep steps up to the Konkordiahütte, originally built just above the ice - human induce climate change takes it further away from the ice each year. The climb over the Grünhornlücke was slow but steady, the downhill through a sloping labyrinth to climb yet again high above the ice to the Finsteraarhornhütte the snows discoloured by Sahara sands, adding to the melting effect. A wet start, with slowly improving weather lead us to the precariously situated Oberaarjochhütte. The ice sliding off both side of the joch split open with few bridges, needed some cautious footwork and serious nerves. The final day, was a long trek over the Oberaargletscher again winding through and across the crevassed landscape until we finally reached earth and greenery and the lift back to the pass hotel. The glaciers are suffering and we are at fault; they will not recover, all we can now realistically do is slow their decline. Please do all you can to help these grand old alpine features be around for at least a few more generations to enjoy, and not let their vallies lie empty of all but bare stone too soon.
At the top of the Grünhornlücke towards Finsterrothorn, and Galmihorn
Grosses Wannenhorn in the evening light with Sahara sands
Top of the Oberaargletscher towards Piz Bernina - left Horizon
the schreckhorn summit appears from the clouds
Summer was trying hard to come, and the snows on the First were still unstable - my way was blocked, hence plan B. Tent erected, a pale fox came a visiting. June days are long and sunset wasn't until 21.00. plenty of time for dinner. All turned orange pink before dark; the clear moonless skies were promising and at 2.00 the milky-way did not disappoint - spanning east west creating a fabulous backdrop to the alpine ridges. Jupiter was as close as it will ever be and shone, like a mini moon. By 04.00 the ground froze again, and I was back in my sleeping bag until the hot sun rose me once again.
the eiger is painted orange-pink as the sunsets
at 02.00am the milky-way spans the wetter- and shreckhorns
jupiter aligns with the summit of the eiger
Hohe-Brisen and Brisen after a long uphill
A free tip for life, always add more money into the carpark meter than you think you will need. I added in 6 hours into the meter in Beckenried, before taking the first cable car to Klewenalp. I had estimated 3 hours up and 2.5 down, but forgot the lift ride and coffee time etc. Thus, soon after starting the 700m climb to Risetenstock I realised that if I was to make it I would need to hurry. I am normally a slow walker and was soon puffing up steep ski slopes devoid of snow, slaloming around curious cows. The views from the ridge were spectacular on the border between Nidwalden and Uri. I was in the end pleased I had rushed as the clouds started to collect around the peaks and by the time I was on the way down the Risetenstock itself was fully in the cloud. Still, I prefer the drama of clouds to perfect blue skies and the results prove it. I got back to the carpark with just 15mins to spare, so maybe sometimes having too little money in the meter is a good thing.
Glarner-foothills and Mythens in the sunshine
Clouds brew over the Uri Rotstock
The Brisen looks ominous with a cumulus nimbus backdrop
to save you scrolling up neuland highland flatland urnerland zugerland iceland bhutan flowers droneland +41 78 743 75 06 Papieri, Fabrikstr 5, 6330 Cham SWITZERLAND still, looking for social media? I don't have time, I read books. ok, I do instagram, search simonbquick. © Thanks for not stealing anything!
SIMON QUICK since 1963
Ever since reading John Hunt's ascent of Everest, and first visiting Switzerland as a boy in 1973, the highlands have fascinated me. The most spectacular of landscapes scaled by heroic characters; real adventurers, truly discovering new landscapes. Equipped, with little but tweed jackets and flasks of tea. Scary, fascinating, mesmerising and exhilarating. They sculpt the light and shape the weather, and reminders us of our insignificant mortality. Photographing mountains allows me to be amongst them and the time to look and wonder and have time to think. JUNGFRAUJOCH -GRIMSELPASS
Early morning at Konkordia looking towards Eggishorn
This was for me a big undertaking, 4 days trek over multiple glaciers all of which had dried out over an exceptionally warm summer. I was lucky to have a good guide and 3 super companions. The gaping crevasses need to be zigzagged around, or jumped over with some narrow bridges to cross. The altitude was telling on the first day, with 470 steep steps up to the Konkordiahütte, originally built just above the ice - human induce climate change takes it further away from the ice each year. The climb over the Grünhornlücke was slow but steady, the downhill through a sloping labyrinth to climb yet again high above the ice to the Finsteraarhornhütte the snows discoloured by Sahara sands, adding to the melting effect. A wet start, with slowly improving weather lead us to the precariously situated Oberaarjochhütte. The ice sliding off both side of the joch split open with few bridges, needed some cautious footwork and serious nerves. The final day, was a long trek over the Oberaargletscher again winding through and across the crevassed landscape until we finally reached earth and greenery and the lift back to the pass hotel. The glaciers are suffering and we are at fault; they will not recover, all we can now realistically do is slow their decline. Please do all you can to help these grand old alpine features be around for at least a few more generations to enjoy, and not let their vallies lie empty of all but bare stone too soon.
At the top of the Grünhornlücke towards Finsterrothorn, and Galmihorn
Grosses Wannenhorn in the evening light with Sahara sands
Top of the Oberaargletscher towards Piz Bernina - left Horizon
the schreckhorn summit appears from the clouds
Summer was trying hard to come, and the snows on the First were still unstable - my way was blocked, hence plan B. Tent erected, a pale fox came a visiting. June days are long and sunset wasn't until 21.00. plenty of time for dinner. All turned orange pink before dark; the clear moonless skies were promising and at 2.00 the milky-way did not disappoint - spanning east west creating a fabulous backdrop to the alpine ridges. Jupiter was as close as it will ever be and shone, like a mini moon. By 04.00 the ground froze again, and I was back in my sleeping bag until the hot sun rose me once again.
the eiger is painted orange-pink as the sunsets
at 02.00am the milky-way spans the wetter- and shreckhorns
jupiter aligns with the summit of the eiger
Hohe-Brisen and Brisen after a long uphill
A free tip for life, always add more money into the carpark meter than you think you will need. I added in 6 hours into the meter in Beckenried, before taking the first cable car to Klewenalp. I had estimated 3 hours up and 2.5 down, but forgot the lift ride and coffee time etc. Thus, soon after starting the 700m climb to Risetenstock I realised that if I was to make it I would need to hurry. I am normally a slow walker and was soon puffing up steep ski slopes devoid of snow, slaloming around curious cows. The views from the ridge were spectacular on the border between Nidwalden and Uri. I was in the end pleased I had rushed as the clouds started to collect around the peaks and by the time I was on the way down the Risetenstock itself was fully in the cloud. Still, I prefer the drama of clouds to perfect blue skies and the results prove it. I got back to the carpark with just 15mins to spare, so maybe sometimes having too little money in the meter is a good thing.
Glarner-foothills and Mythens in the sunshine
Clouds brew over the Uri Rotstock
The Brisen looks ominous with a cumulus nimbus backdrop
to save you scrolling up neuland highland flatland urnerland zugerland iceland bhutan flowers droneland +41 78 743 75 06 Fabrikstr 30, 6460 Altdorf SWITZERLAND still, looking for social media? I don't have time, I read books. ok, I do instagram, search simonbquick. © Thanks for not stealing anything!