SIMON QUICK since 1963
Uri is one of the three original founding Kantons of confederate Switzerland in 1291 - with Schywz and Unterwalden. The home of Tell, Uri contains my 'Heimatort' Flüelen. A long valley Kanton with many side valleys, cliffs shear to the mountains above. The serpentine Gotthard pass winds down to the Italian Tessin south. The north guarded by the Vierwaldstättersee. The oldest Urner, the Föhn wind, breathes warmth, at one hundred kilometres per hour through the valley, and across the lake. Geographically central to Switzerland in the alpine chain its sees snows that cuts off swathes, freed only in June or July again, making the lake a cooling alternative to the trapped summer heat.
Biblical early morning light between the Klein-Ruchen and Griessstock
We look out at this mountain from our south side balcony. It was therefore super that Petra wanted to join me. The climb has a number of options, we chose the Brunnital - Griesstal route. It is a steady climb over various, not difficult terrain; but simply a very long way! Unbeknowst to us the air was filled with dust from forest-fires that had been blazing in Canada, we just assumed it was early morning mists - it gave great effects. Hoch Fulen was above all and gave fabulous views across the Urner mountains. We took an alternative route down, stopping off at a small lake to cool my feet and eat our sandwiches, before carrying on pass many Marmots, and a low flying eagle; hot and very tired we finally reached the lift. And can look again from our balcony knowing we have 'been there'!
Canadian forest-fire dust sinks mist like under the Rinderstock
Uri-Rotstock appropriately named, above the dust
Mystical mists cover the Gross-Ruchen
Fast moving clouds surround the Brunnistock and Brüsti
Like fishing, photography requires a lot of waiting around, either days or hours, whilst being ever ready - nature does not wait for the photographer to be in the right place, nor sort out their gear or settings. Weather changes constantly, and in Autumn/Winter you can wait and wait and then things just happen. If you are lucky you are in the right place at the right time. After days of poor light, I took an afternoon trip to the Haldi, Uri, just behind where I live. Not expecting much I was just glad to be outside. The weather in the Urnertal was in two halves, south stormy, north more pleasant. The clouds raced from the south hiding and exposing the mountains and intermittently letting the sun through. I was lucky this time, the results were worth the wait.
Autumn weather over the Vierwaldstättersee, and Niderbauen
Pre-Föhn clouds race across the Krönten and Jakobiger
A moment of Autumnal pastoral peace on a Haldi meadow
Urnersee reeds getting a pounding in late afternoon sun.
The Föhn, the oldest Urner. A strong southerly wind forced down and warmed by its compression - gusting 90-100km/hr in the valley and 130km/hr on the surrounding peaks. Its is common in Autumn around the equinox, and can evaporate any new snow in hours. It gave me the chance to experiment with some slower shutter-speeds to capture the jostling and at times frantic movement of the reeds in the Ruess-delta along the shores of the Vierwaldstättersee. The low Autumn sun in the later afternoon, cast plenty of shadows and gave me the chance to push the image development much more than I otherwise would.
Grasses bowing in common submission
Reeds after Umberto Boccioni
Reeds seem to really enjoy the winds
the sun sinks behind one of the gütsch windmills into the valais' clouds
If someone else tells me that 'they only build windmills where it is windy', I shall hit them! I am aware. The weather prognosis was perfect, broken cloud before sun-down, cloud cover until 12.00, clear skies until near dawn. No moon until 05.00 then the merest slither, perfect for star gazing. I declined the piste-warden's offer of a lift to the valley. Tent erected, cooker not working, the clouds obscured the last rays of sun. By eight the wind was rocking my tent, but not me to sleep. By eleven it was gusting 60-80 km/h I sat with my back to the wall steadying the buffeting. At one-twenty it stopped and allowed me some sleep until three-thirty and a blanket of stars cast across the sky. 06.00 and the first rays of sun hit the snows and peaks - the lift warden felt sorry for me struggling under my heavy rucksack and let me down on the gondelbahn, before the Sunday skiers rushed up from the valley below. flowers
starry starry night sliced, by a light-sabre windmill high above andermatt
nature's own stabilo colours, above the windgallen and piz-giuz
a low sun paints the rorspitzli and jagged salbitschijen
to save you scrolling up
neuland highland flatland urnerland zugerland iceland bhutan droneland +41 78 743 75 06 Papieri, Fabrikstr 5, 6330 Cham SWITZERLAND still, looking for social media? I don't have time, I read books. ok, I do instagram search simonbquick. © Thanks for not stealing anything!
SIMON QUICK since 1963
Uri is one of the three original founding Kantons of confederate Switzerland in 1291 - with Schywz and Unterwalden. The home of Tell, Uri contains my 'Heimatort' Flüelen. A long valley Kanton with many side valleys, cliffs shear to the mountains above. The serpentine Gotthard pass winds down to the Italian Tessin south. The north guarded by the Vierwaldstättersee. The oldest Urner, the Föhn wind, breathes warmth, at one hundred kilometres per hour through the valley, and across the lake. Geographically central to Switzerland in the alpine chain its sees snows that cuts off swathes, freed only in June or July again, making the lake a cooling alternative to the trapped summer heat. HOCH FULEN CLIMB
Biblical early morning light between the Klein-Ruchen and Griessstock
We look out at this mountain from our south side balcony. It was therefore super that Petra wanted to join me. The climb has a number of options, we chose the Brunnital - Griesstal route. It is a steady climb over various, not difficult terrain; but simply a very long way! Unbeknowst to us the air was filled with dust from forest-fires that had been blazing in Canada, we just assumed it was early morning mists - it gave great effects. Hoch Fulen was above all and gave fabulous views across the Urner mountains. We took an alternative route down, stopping off at a small lake to cool my feet and eat our sandwiches, before carrying on pass many Marmots, and a low flying eagle; hot and very tired we finally reached the lift. And can look again from our balcony knowing we have 'been there'!
Canadian forest-fire dust sinks mist like under the Rinderstock
Uri-Rotstock appropriately named, above the dust
Mystical mists cover the Gross-Ruchen
Fast moving clouds surround the Brunnistock and Brüsti
Like fishing, photography requires a lot of waiting around, either days or hours, whilst being ever ready - nature does not wait for the photographer to be in the right place, nor sort out their gear or settings. Weather changes constantly, and in Autumn/Winter you can wait and wait and then things just happen. If you are lucky you are in the right place at the right time. After days of poor light, I took an afternoon trip to the Haldi, Uri, just behind where I live. Not expecting much I was just glad to be outside. The weather in the Urnertal was in two halves, south stormy, north more pleasant. The clouds raced from the south hiding and exposing the mountains and intermittently letting the sun through. I was lucky this time, the results were worth the wait.
Autumn weather over the Vierwaldstättersee, and Niderbauen
Pre-Föhn clouds race across the Krönten and Jakobiger
A moment of Autumnal pastoral peace on a Haldi meadow
Urnersee reeds getting a pounding in late afternoon sun.
The Föhn, the oldest Urner. A strong southerly wind forced down and warmed by its compression - gusting 90-100km/hr in the valley and 130km/hr on the surrounding peaks. Its is common in Autumn around the equinox, and can evaporate any new snow in hours. It gave me the chance to experiment with some slower shutter-speeds to capture the jostling and at times frantic movement of the reeds in the Ruess-delta along the shores of the Vierwaldstättersee. The low Autumn sun in the later afternoon, cast plenty of shadows and gave me the chance to push the image development much more than I otherwise would.
Grasses bowing in common submission
Reeds after Umberto Boccioni
Reeds seem to really enjoy the winds
the sun sinks behind one of the gütsch windmills into the valais' clouds
If someone else tells me that 'they only build windmills where it is windy', I shall hit them! I am aware. The weather prognosis was perfect, broken cloud before sun-down, cloud cover until 12.00, clear skies until near dawn. No moon until 05.00 then the merest slither, perfect for star gazing. I declined the piste-warden's offer of a lift to the valley. Tent erected, cooker not working, the clouds obscured the last rays of sun. By eight the wind was rocking my tent, but not me to sleep. By eleven it was gusting 60-80 km/h I sat with my back to the wall steadying the buffeting. At one-twenty it stopped and allowed me some sleep until three-thirty and a blanket of stars cast across the sky. 06.00 and the first rays of sun hit the snows and peaks - the lift warden felt sorry for me struggling under my heavy rucksack and let me down on the gondelbahn, before the Sunday skiers rushed up from the valley below.
starry starry night sliced, by a light-sabre windmill high above andermatt
nature's own stabilo colours, above the windgallen and piz-giuz
a low sun paints the rorspitzli and jagged salbitschijen
to save you scrolling up neuland highland flatland urnerland zugerland iceland bhutan flowers droneland +41 78 743 75 06 Papieri, Fabrikstr 5, 6330 Cham SWITZERLAND still, looking for social media? I don't have time, I read books. ok, I do instagram search simonbquick. © Thanks for not stealing anything!
SIMON QUICK since 1963
Uri is one of the three original founding Kantons of confederate Switzerland in 1291 - with Schywz and Unterwalden. The home of Tell, Uri contains my 'Heimatort' Flüelen. A long valley Kanton with many side valleys, cliffs shear to the mountains above. The serpentine Gotthard pass winds down to the Italian Tessin south. The north guarded by the Vierwaldstättersee. The oldest Urner, the Föhn wind, breathes warmth, at one hundred kilometres per hour through the valley, and across the lake. Geographically central to Switzerland in the alpine chain its sees snows that cuts off swathes, freed only in June or July again, making the lake a cooling alternative to the trapped summer heat. HOCH FULEN CLIMB
Biblical early morning light between the Klein-Ruchen and Griessstock
We look out at this mountain from our south side balcony. It was therefore super that Petra wanted to join me. The climb has a number of options, we chose the Brunnital - Griesstal route. It is a steady climb over various, not difficult terrain; but simply a very long way! Unbeknowst to us the air was filled with dust from forest-fires that had been blazing in Canada, we just assumed it was early morning mists - it gave great effects. Hoch Fulen was above all and gave fabulous views across the Urner mountains. We took an alternative route down, stopping off at a small lake to cool my feet and eat our sandwiches, before carrying on pass many Marmots, and a low flying eagle; hot and very tired we finally reached the lift. And can look again from our balcony knowing we have 'been there'!
Canadian forest-fire dust sinks mist like under the Rinderstock
Uri-Rotstock appropriately named, above the dust
Mystical mists cover the Gross-Ruchen
Fast moving clouds surround the Brunnistock and Brüsti
Like fishing, photography requires a lot of waiting around, either days or hours, whilst being ever ready - nature does not wait for the photographer to be in the right place, nor sort out their gear or settings. Weather changes constantly, and in Autumn/Winter you can wait and wait and then things just happen. If you are lucky you are in the right place at the right time. After days of poor light, I took an afternoon trip to the Haldi, Uri, just behind where I live. Not expecting much I was just glad to be outside. The weather in the Urnertal was in two halves, south stormy, north more pleasant. The clouds raced from the south hiding and exposing the mountains and intermittently letting the sun through. I was lucky this time, the results were worth the wait.
Autumn weather over the Vierwaldstättersee, and Niderbauen
Pre-Föhn clouds race across the Krönten and Jakobiger
A moment of Autumnal pastoral peace on a Haldi meadow
Urnersee reeds getting a pounding in late afternoon sun.
The Föhn, the oldest Urner. A strong southerly wind forced down and warmed by its compression - gusting 90-100km/hr in the valley and 130km/hr on the surrounding peaks. Its is common in Autumn around the equinox, and can evaporate any new snow in hours. It gave me the chance to experiment with some slower shutter-speeds to capture the jostling and at times frantic movement of the reeds in the Ruess-delta along the shores of the Vierwaldstättersee. The low Autumn sun in the later afternoon, cast plenty of shadows and gave me the chance to push the image development much more than I otherwise would.
Grasses bowing in common submission
Reeds after Umberto Boccioni
Reeds seem to really enjoy the winds
the sun sinks behind one of the gütsch windmills into the valais' clouds
If someone else tells me that 'they only build windmills where it is windy', I shall hit them! I am aware. The weather prognosis was perfect, broken cloud before sun-down, cloud cover until 12.00, clear skies until near dawn. No moon until 05.00 then the merest slither, perfect for star gazing. I declined the piste-warden's offer of a lift to the valley. Tent erected, cooker not working, the clouds obscured the last rays of sun. By eight the wind was rocking my tent, but not me to sleep. By eleven it was gusting 60-80 km/h I sat with my back to the wall steadying the buffeting. At one-twenty it stopped and allowed me some sleep until three-thirty and a blanket of stars cast across the sky. 06.00 and the first rays of sun hit the snows and peaks - the lift warden felt sorry for me struggling under my heavy rucksack and let me down on the gondelbahn, before the Sunday skiers rushed up from the valley below.
starry starry night sliced, by a light-sabre windmill high above andermatt
nature's own stabilo colours, above the windgallen and piz-giuz
a low sun paints the rorspitzli and jagged salbitschijen
to save you scrolling up neuland highland flatland urnerland zugerland iceland bhutan flowers droneland +41 78 743 75 06 Papieri, Fabrikstr 5, 6330 Cham SWITZERLAND still, looking for social media? I don't have time, I read books. ok, I do instagram search simonbquick. © Thanks for not stealing anything!
SIMON QUICK since 1963
Uri is one of the three original founding Kantons of confederate Switzerland in 1291 - with Schywz and Unterwalden. The home of Tell, Uri contains my 'Heimatort' Flüelen. A long valley Kanton with many side valleys, cliffs shear to the mountains above. The serpentine Gotthard pass winds down to the Italian Tessin south. The north guarded by the Vierwaldstättersee. The oldest Urner, the Föhn wind, breathes warmth, at one hundred kilometres per hour through the valley, and across the lake. Geographically central to Switzerland in the alpine chain its sees snows that cuts off swathes, freed only in June or July again, making the lake a cooling alternative to the trapped summer heat. HOCH FULEN CLIMB
Biblical early morning light between the Klein-Ruchen and Griessstock
We look out at this mountain from our south side balcony. It was therefore super that Petra wanted to join me. The climb has a number of options, we chose the Brunnital - Griesstal route. It is a steady climb over various, not difficult terrain; but simply a very long way! Unbeknowst to us the air was filled with dust from forest-fires that had been blazing in Canada, we just assumed it was early morning mists - it gave great effects. Hoch Fulen was above all and gave fabulous views across the Urner mountains. We took an alternative route down, stopping off at a small lake to cool my feet and eat our sandwiches, before carrying on pass many Marmots, and a low flying eagle; hot and very tired we finally reached the lift. And can look again from our balcony knowing we have 'been there'!
Canadian forest-fire dust sinks mist like under the Rinderstock
Uri-Rotstock appropriately named, above the dust
Mystical mists cover the Gross-Ruchen
Fast moving clouds surround the Brunnistock and Brüsti
Like fishing, photography requires a lot of waiting around, either days or hours, whilst being ever ready - nature does not wait for the photographer to be in the right place, nor sort out their gear or settings. Weather changes constantly, and in Autumn/Winter you can wait and wait and then things just happen. If you are lucky you are in the right place at the right time. After days of poor light, I took an afternoon trip to the Haldi, Uri, just behind where I live. Not expecting much I was just glad to be outside. The weather in the Urnertal was in two halves, south stormy, north more pleasant. The clouds raced from the south hiding and exposing the mountains and intermittently letting the sun through. I was lucky this time, the results were worth the wait.
Autumn weather over the Vierwaldstättersee, and Niderbauen
Pre-Föhn clouds race across the Krönten and Jakobiger
A moment of Autumnal pastoral peace on a Haldi meadow
Urnersee reeds getting a pounding in late afternoon sun.
The Föhn, the oldest Urner. A strong southerly wind forced down and warmed by its compression - gusting 90-100km/hr in the valley and 130km/hr on the surrounding peaks. Its is common in Autumn around the equinox, and can evaporate any new snow in hours. It gave me the chance to experiment with some slower shutter-speeds to capture the jostling and at times frantic movement of the reeds in the Ruess-delta along the shores of the Vierwaldstättersee. The low Autumn sun in the later afternoon, cast plenty of shadows and gave me the chance to push the image development much more than I otherwise would.
Grasses bowing in common submission
Reeds after Umberto Boccioni
Reeds seem to really enjoy the winds
the sun sinks behind one of the gütsch windmills into the valais' clouds
If someone else tells me that 'they only build windmills where it is windy', I shall hit them! I am aware. The weather prognosis was perfect, broken cloud before sun-down, cloud cover until 12.00, clear skies until near dawn. No moon until 05.00 then the merest slither, perfect for star gazing. I declined the piste-warden's offer of a lift to the valley. Tent erected, cooker not working, the clouds obscured the last rays of sun. By eight the wind was rocking my tent, but not me to sleep. By eleven it was gusting 60-80 km/h I sat with my back to the wall steadying the buffeting. At one-twenty it stopped and allowed me some sleep until three-thirty and a blanket of stars cast across the sky. 06.00 and the first rays of sun hit the snows and peaks - the lift warden felt sorry for me struggling under my heavy rucksack and let me down on the gondelbahn, before the Sunday skiers rushed up from the valley below.
starry starry night sliced, by a light-sabre windmill high above andermatt
nature's own stabilo colours, above the windgallen and piz-giuz
a low sun paints the rorspitzli and jagged salbitschijen
to save you scrolling up neuland highland flatland urnerland zugerland iceland bhutan flowers droneland +41 78 743 75 06 Fabrikstr 30, 6460 Altdorf SWITZERLAND still, looking for social media? I don't have time, I read books. ok, I do instagram search simonbquick. © Thanks for not stealing anything!